Course curriculum

    1. Un mensaje de su instructor, Scott Madsen

    2. Antes de comenzar ... (encuesta rápida):

    1. ¿Qué es Crowdfunding?

    2. ¿Cómo funciona Crowdfunding?

    3. Hojas de trabajo para la reflexión de su red personal (Rellenable PDF)

    4. ¿Qué se puede usted Crowdfund?

    5. Hoja de trucos de financiación colectiva

    6. ¿Cómo es Crowdfunding diferente?

    7. Hoja de Trabajo sobre los Valores No-Comerciales (Rellenable PDF)

    8. ¿Está usted listo para crowdfunding?

    9. Autoevaluación de preparación para la financiación colectiva empresarial (Rellenable PDF)

    1. Formas en que Crowdfund Better se pueda ayudar

    2. Enlaces a servicios de Crowdfund Better

    3. Blogs de crowdfunding para lecturas adicionales

About this course

  • $33.00
  • 5 lecciones
  • 4 hojas de trabajo


Director of Programs Scott Madsen

Scott has been the Director of Relationships & Marketing for Crowdfund Better since 2016, and Director of Programs since 2025, where he communicates directly with students, partners, colleagues, and organizations to assist them in understanding how community capital works and how Crowdfund Better's education and training programs can support their needs.

Prior to Crowdfund Better he worked among the startup community in marketing, specifically focused on main street small business owners guiding them to better serve their customers using online digital tools and effective marketing practices.

His background consists of over 20 years in customer service including the first customer service center. He completed three degrees in International Relations, Spanish, and Latin American Studies and lived abroad in Mexico & Spain for nearly two years (se habla español). He brought this experience to Crowdfund Better to create the only Spanish-language online crowdfunding course for small business in the U.S.